CCCS Administrator
Welcome to the Copper Country Christian School! Thank you for checking out our website. Most of your questions can be answered by the information contained in these pages. If there is something you cannot find, please contact us using the link below.
As our Mission Statement reads, we are here to help Christian parents fulfill their obligation to God to train their children in the way they should go. Our team name is Warriors, and we do our best to raise the next generation to be just that: WARRIORS! If we are to be salt and light to this world, we must train those that will come behind to stand and to speak boldly for the Kingdom. What better way than to sow the Word of God into them at Church, Home, and School? We teach everything, especially science, through the prism of the Bible. It informs everything we do. From opening prayer to the closing bell, God’s word and truth influence our education. We use curriculum from a variety of sources including BJU Press, A Beka Book, Answers in Genesis, and others.
We believe in Christian education makes a difference in the lives of children because:
• We have gifted, Christian staff members, all of whom genuinely care for the spiritual, emotional, physical, and psychological well-being of each student.
• We have the finest in Christian curricula — academically-challenging and God-honoring, along with a very favorable teacher-pupil ratio.
• Our students have the opportunity for daily memorization and teaching from God's Word.
• We build Christian character, from a scriptural point of view, always incorporated with love.
• We have a proper prioritization and balance among the spiritual, academic, and extra-curricular aspects of education.
Let us know if we can partner with you in building your child's heart, soul, mind, and strength.